Monday, July 11, 2011

Meet Janet Ivey - Star of The Grey Area

Q: How did you prepare for your character?  

A: Playing mom or soccer mom for me has always felt like a very natural thing to me, even though I am not a 'mother' in the biological sense.  As I rehearsed, I just put myself in the position of a mom whose child is in danger and let my love and fear inform my character.

Q: Do you find that you can personally relate to your character?  

A: I could relate to this role because she is trying to put the 'face' of strength on her own questions and anger at God and life for allowing her child/her family and herself to be in pain.  I have personally questioned and gotten angry when life doesn't look how I had planned so to me that through line of the character was something I could completely relate to.

Q: Have you yourself ever been in a situation like either your character or Beth? 

A: I have found myself in the position of needing to be strong and also a protector of someone else as well as wondering what did I do wrong for life to go so topsy-turvy.  That's what I love about acting, I am parts of all the bits and pieces of the characters.

Q: Who do you think needs to see this film? 

A: I think this film should be seen by anyone whose ever asked WHY.

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