Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tonight, I'm Overwhelmed...

Tonight, I am overwhelmed with the love and support everyone has shown. We are 13 days away from this campaign ending, and we are only $75 away from reaching our goal. It is truly humbling to know that others are giving their hard-earned money to this project, and that we are going to make a difference. I am truly blessed. And may each of you be blessed as well. And most importantly, may those that have been bullied, or are bullying, be blessed for they are the reason we are making this film.
Robby Coles

Sunday, July 17, 2011

We're over half way to our goal of $1,500!

We're almost there! We're on a mission to raise $1,500 to finish the post-production work on The Grey Area! After we hit our goal, every $3 we get over that will go to sending the film to another school! We want this film to go across the country!

Will you please consider donating to our cause? Here's how you can join in the fun and get some of the coolest incentives!

Also, we're going to be featured on FOX NEWS tonight!

PLUS!!! We're going to unveil the official The Grey Area Movie Poster as part of the incentives package! It will be unveiled during the Fox newscast tonight, then posted on the blog soon after!

Help us end bullying for good!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Two week summer film camp ending with filming of short movie

The Actor's Advantage Agency has always tried to promote it's talent's careers. They make it their mission. It's a commonly known fact within the entertainment industry that experience is everything, and that is exactly what Actor's Advantage gives it's talent. During June, 8 campers took part in a Film Camp in which the assumed roles in a short film, rehearsed them, and finally filmed them on July 1st.

Each camper had a speaking part in The Grey Area. Maddie Buckley, Owen Dooley, Jacob Sullivan, Bella Sullivan, Lucy Turner, Hadassah Perry, Kelsey Holland and Kyle Mets were absolutely outstanding. They worked very hard for two weeks to prepare their roles and get everything ready for their filming day.

On July 1st, they were joined by over 20 extras wo participated in the filming day. They were very professional and did an outstanding job.

Now, campers have gained some on-set experience and are ready to begin auditioning throughout Nashville.

Congrats on a great camp!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Check out the latest movie poster!

Here's our Movie Poster Teaser #1!

If you take part in our Kickstarter Campaign, this poster is made available to you in the bound screenplay! The actual movie poster will be unveiled next week!

To donate to our Kickstarter Campaign and help us get The Grey Area into every school in America, please click the link below.

Thank you for your support.

*Poster Design by Robert McKenzie. All rights reserved. Copyright 2011, New World Productions.*

Pics from the set!

This was one of our days filming. This day we were at a house in Franklin, TN filming several scenes that took place in a bedroom and kitchen. We were also at a local middle school filming some complex exterior shots. Things turned out great!

Lucy Turner sits on the bed in the set house getting ready for her scene.

First scene of the day: The breakfast table!

Director Robby Coles, Camera Op Matt The Man, and star Janet Ivey prepare to shoot.

Checking everything out.

Jenny Nichols, the Director of Photography, sets up the shot and makes sure everything is focused and ready.

Our amazing extras brave the heat and hang out in the shade before we shoot one of the film's crane scenes on location at a school in Franklin, TN.

The crew sets up a complicated shot involving a crane, 5 cars, 2 of the film's stars, and over 15 extras!

Janet Ivey and Lucy Turner play mother and daughter in The Grey Area. They're getting ready to shoot what was the 6th scene of the day, but the first scene in the film!

Lucy Turner and Manon Guy rehearse for Director Robby Coles for their dialog heavy scene that focuses on how recent events have effected this little family.

Manon Guy and Lucy Turner get into the scene. They are very dedicated little actresses.

Manon Guy and Lucy Turner take in direction from Robby Coles and prepare themselves for the emotional scene that's about to be shot.

Janet Ivey poses for a quick picture with her on-set daughters Manon Guy and Lucy Turner. These three were amazing together!

Janet Ivey and Lucy Turner work together on what is probably the most dramatic and intense moment in the whole film between the two characters.

More pics to come!


Bloggers and viewers,

We need your help! We have started a Kickstarter campaign to try and finish The Grey Area as well as distribute to schools nation wide. We need your help, though! We only get our funding if our goal is met 100%!

Please spread the word and send people to our campaign. For every $3 over our goal, we can send a DVD to a school!

Click the link to donate now! We have great incentives for your donation!